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The Politics & Law Teacher Blog

2/24: NZYQ – issues related to political and legal power and the legislative and judicial processes

NZYQ and issues related to political and legal power and the legislative and judicial processes Cross reference: Update V7N1 Jan/Feb 2024: High Court NZYQ decision overrules controversial Al-Kateb case The High Court's Decision: Legal Power and Judicial Process In...

1/24 Prime Minister & Cabinet (early 2024)

Infographic 1/24 This infographic illustrates the roles and powers of the Prime Minister and Cabinet through the governing decisions of the Albanese Government in early 2024. The Infographic provides a range of examples related to the Unit 3 and Unit 4 Syllabus. This...

5 forms of political representation for First Peoples

5 Ways Democracies Uphold Political Representation for First Nations Peoples "First Nations" refers to indigenous people residing within a specific territory, with "indigenous" denoting their origins "in that place". In the High Court constitutional case, Love and...

2/23 Integrity and Accountability: A contemporary political issue

The Australian political and legal system has recently experienced controversies concerning government integrity and its implications for executive accountability. The "Sports Rorts" and "Pork 'n Ride" affairs and the RoboDebt scheme posed accountability problems that...

Sample News Update Article –

Kate Jenkins - a force for law-making The Sex Discrimination Commissioner's legacy Syllabus 11PAL - role of the legislative branch 12PAL - functions of the Commonwealth Parliament - law-making, representation 12PAL - law-making process in Parliament - influence of...

Infographic 1/23 – Competing Mandates & the Safeguard Mechanism

Labor and the Greens had competing mandates secured at the May 2022 general election resulting in a negotiated compromise on legislation to implement a strengthened safeguard mechanism. Although political differences remain between Labor and the Greens about climate...